Sunday 17 March 2013

Hair Grow Faster Care Tips

Having shiny and healthy hair is always a dream of everyone. Though, all want to know hair care methods to make your hair grow faster, but there is no scientifically proven method. However, by reducing the causes of hair  loss, you can surely achieve healthy hair. The less hair you lose, the more hair you have growing to your length of choice. Not all the causes of hair fall are easy to deal with, but by applying proper hair care methods you can surely encourage your hair to grow.

Take care of your hair condition
Regular hair care is very important for maintaining health and shine of your hair. Make sure to visit your hair dresser regularly to have a proper hair care, hair cut and hair styling. Smart hair care will not only keep your hair in good condition, but will also give them a healthy look with no split ends. In order to achieve healthy hair, you can adopt following hair care methods in your daily routine:

  •   Brush your hair with a good quality hair brush. The good hair care brushing technique is to tilt your head forward and brush with your head upside down to bring the oils and moisture to the ends of hair and stimulate the scalp.
  •  Moisturizing is among the best hair care methodology, which can be done by conditioning and oiling.
  •  Avoid hair wash every day, as daily use of shampoo will also wash out all the oils from your hair.
  •  Massage your scalp while washing your hair to increase the blood flow in your scalp which will result in healthy hair.
       Be Gentle with your hair

  •                Approximately 70 to 150 hairs fall out daily, but your harsh attitude with your healthy hair can increase the number. The gentle you are with your healthy hair, the less chances hair will have to fall out.
  •       Avoid making tight hair styles that can be a hurdle in your hair care routine such as ponytails or cornrows. Instead, you can use butterfly clips and catchers. 
    ·         For better hair care, brush your hair carefully and gently comb your hair with your fingers before brushing. 
    ·         Always brush your hair before taking shower in the morning. This hair care practice will reduce hair tangling while shampooing. The use of conditioner will also leave your healthy hair manageable.    Avoid lose hair styles in windy days. The best hair care solution in summer and dusty winds is to minimize hair tangles by making hair buns and braids.
    ·         Avoid lose hair styles in windy days. The best hair care solution in summer and dusty winds is to minimize hair tangles by making hair buns and braids.
    ·         In order to achieve healthy hair, you need to minimize using hair styling tools such as blow drying, straightening or curling iron. This hair care solution will prevent your hair from damaging.
    ·         Avoid harsh chemical treatments like dyes, tints, bleaches and perm.

    Maintain good nutrition

    ·         It is important for your hair care to incorporate all the important nutrients in your daily diet including vitamins, proteins, iron, and zinc.
    ·         Avoid dramatic weight loss
    ·         Severe diet plans forcing dramatic weight loss also result in hair loss. It is important for maintaining healthy hair to watch out your calories and lose weight gradually.
    ·       Avoid Stress: Stress is a common issue in hair care. To enjoy healthy hair, relieve your stress and relax your mind through yoga and exercise.

    Other Tips
      Special hair care is needed in warmer months. 
      Use UV protection spray for hair care against harsh sunrays.
    Some causes of hair loss are natural, such as nursing, pregnancy, hormonal shifts etc, which           can’t be helped

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