Saturday 9 March 2013

How to Look Naturally Beautiful 17 Steps

You don't have to have a whole lot of makeup to look beautiful. Every girls dream is to feel and look naturally beautiful, to make themselves confident. Read on

1  Eat healthy. Eat healthier foods like fish and fresh fruits and vegetables. You can still eat other foods but lower on the intake of fat, sugar, and calories. Some foods have empty calories. Avoid them as much as possible. Try not to eat too much junk food such as potato chips, pizza, cookies, cakes, etc.


2  Consume healthy liquids: Make sure to take in plenty, i.e. 4-5 liters, of cool water (of course lessening the daily intake of alcohol is a huge help in getting that natural look). Water flushes away the toxins and gives your skin that natural glow. Avoid drinking caffeinated drinks.

 3  Exfoliate your skin to waken it up and give you a healthy glow. Only exfoliate your skin once or twice a week, though. Over exfoliating can make you more prone to breakouts.

4 Smile. You'll reveal a new you. Avoid drinking Pepsi,Coke etc.They stain your teeth giving 
your smile a yellow look.

5  Moisturize your skin daily. This will keep your skin soft and will also keep your skin beautiful as you get older.

 6 Have a healthy diet that includes fruit, vegetables, protein, and enough water. Don't starve yourself or try to force your body to be thinner than it naturally is; it won't work in the long run and you could end up with serious health problems.

7 Skip the foundation unless you really, really need it. Heavy makeup hides true beauty! Work on your skin instead, applying coconut oil to your face before you turn in for the night will smooth and clear your skin tone plus it treats acne. Add some pink blush to the apples of your cheeks (smile when you're putting it on). Swipe on chapstick to your lips to keep them lush looking

 8 Sun protection. When outside protect your skin with a sunscreen. make sure you apply the sun sunscreen at least 15 min before you step out into the sun

9 Stand tall with great posture. Roll your shoulders a few times to feel where they should be. Keep your chin up. Keep your head balanced atop your shoulders, avoiding "forward-head posture.

10  Be confident. If you don't feel confident, pretend that you are until you learn to really feel it. If you look confident, you will always be truly beautiful!

11  Exercise regularly to maintain your fitness.

12 Wear clothes you feel good in, and that define your features. Try to avoid wearing clothes that do not flatter your figure. You don't need to religiously stick to every single fashion tip you come across (most are quite boring anyway) but do take the time to learn how to bring out the beauty of your unique figure.

13 Always keep your hair brushed. To keep it in place during the day, spray on a little leave-in conditioner. Keep your hair neatly groomed. Use organic shampoo and conditioner, and avoid anything with sulfates in it. To get rid of residue, occasionally add a little baking soda to your shampoo. Always wash your hair with warm to lukewarm water, never hot. Hot water strips off all the natural oils. Depending on the season, style it so that you are comfortable and your hair is protected from environmental hazards.

14 Get your eyebrows waxed (or pluck them yourself- but make sure you know how to do it correctly) to open up your eyes. But don't pluck them too much, over-plucked eyebrows can be just as bad as messy ones! Look up some guides on how to pick the right eyebrows for your face shape first, and if you're still not sure then go to a beautician and ask their advice.

15  Brush your teeth and keep good dental hygiene to have a bright smile.

16 Make sure to get at least 8 hours of sleep each night.

12  Get fresh air and exercise. Both will give you a healthy glow.

Tips must Read and Remember

  • Be yourself! People can spot a fake personality from a mile off.
  • Always wash your face and remove any makeup before going to bed.
  • Make sure to get plenty of sleep. Eight hours a night is the minimum.
  • Try going without makeup for a few days. Allowing your skin to breathe will be better in the long run.When you do put makeup back on, it will look even better than before!
  • Take vitamins daily (C and multivitamins) for long, strong hair and nails, and a healthy body.
  • The best cleansers for the face are honey and olive oil. They will moisturize your skin and leave it feeling glowing and gorgeous.
  • Try to eat a lot of fruits and veggies and you get 8 hours of sleep so you can excersise the next day.
  • Enjoy everything in MODERATION!
  • Do most of your cleansing whilst in the bath, when your pores are open and your skin is slightly moist.
  • Putting Vaseline on your eyelashes (and eyebrows, if needed) every night for a month or more will condition them, inducing them to grow more and shine.
  • Try curling your eyelashes, if they do not have a natural curl. It will open your eyes and give you a nicer appearance, even without mascara.
  • Make sure your sunscreen is oil-free and non-comedogenic so it won't clog your pores.
  • Never say your not pretty that will make you upset always be confident
  • Don't forget to smile! It shows confidence.
  • Cleanse, tone and moisturize daily.
  • Never wash your face with hot water. It makes it dry and red. Always use normal or cold water which energizes your skin and makes it more pink, giving it a blushing effect.
  • Always be happy with who you are.
  • Brush your teeth with a pinch of baking powder, salt and viniger to make them brighter!
  • If you want to have long eyelashes without using fake ones try adding mascara and using eyelash curlers.
  • Brush your hair daily and eat healthy.
  • Just be yourself. Being original is always worth more than being a copy!
  • Always be thankful for every blessing you are bestowed with.
  • Love yourself and respect others


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