Saturday 4 May 2013

How to Make a Pore Mask

Large, dark pores make your skin look less than desirable and leave you feeling self-conscious. There's no
need to spend hundreds of dollars or run to your local spa to find a magic cure-all when you can make your own pore mask right at home with only a few ingredients right from your kitchen. Kiss your unsightly pores goodbye after using these at-home recipes.

Things You'll Need

Small bowl


2 tablespoons rolled oats

2 tablespoons yogurt


Lemon juice

1 egg

Yogurt Oat Mask

Wash your face as you normally would to remove dirt, oil and makeup, then pat it dry.

Mix 2 tablespoons of rolled oats and 2 tablespoons of plain yogurt in a small bowl until it's blended completely. Refrigerate the mix for three or so hours.

Apply the mix all over the face using your fingers and leave it on up to 30 minutes. Cover the entire face, ensuring more coverage on the nose and anywhere else the pores are large and/or dark. The mix of yogurt and oats leaves the skin smooth while removing impurities.

Rinse the mix off with cool water. Add in a few drops of lemon juice to tighten the pores, and pat the face dry with a soft towel.

Egg and Lemon Juice Mask
Wash face thoroughly to remove any makeup and pat it dry.

Beat one egg white with 1 teaspoon of lemon juice in a small bowl until the mix is smooth and creamy.

Apply to the face with your fingers and leave it on until you feel the mix begin to tighten your skin. This mix will shrink the pores while tightening the skin.

Rinse off the mask with tepid water after it has dried. Splash face with cool water and then pat the skin dry.

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